eSIM in Moldova: best mobile data plans

The most beneficial and easy way to stay connected in another country is to have an eSIM. The built-in communication module is activated by scanning a QR code, immediately after which you get access to the operator's network. Your trip will be more comfortable if you are always in touch and do not have to worry about how to contact your family.

< 1 Gb

10+ Gb

1 Day

30+ Days


Which eSIM to choose in Moldova?

eSIM plans in Moldova differ from the standard offers of communication providers by the ability for the customer to set the connection period and fill the package with only the necessary services. You can determine the volume of mobile Internet and the number of calling minutes, reducing communication costs.

If you go on a business trip for just a week, you will not have to pay for the entire month of connection to the operator's network. Subscribers can use mobile data allocation in Moldova in different ways, so we advise you to focus on your own preferences. If you like to spend time on social media and use online services often, choose plans with mobile data allocation between 5 GB and 10 GB. There are packages with the minimum traffic volume that are suitable for those who rarely use the network.

Benefits of using eSIM in Moldova

The embedded SIM card offers many benefits, so you should take advantage of this technology on your next trip. The first plus will be the absence of a physical medium, since the module is activated remotely, and you do not have to open the device case nor store your old SIM card in a secure place. This solution increases the security of personal data since you will not have to worry about theft of personal information in the event of losing your smartphone or tablet.

eSIM plans in Moldova are adjusted depending on the individual preferences of the subscriber, so you can determine not only the connection period but also the content of the package. Since the connection period can be anyone you like, mobile Internet is cheaper in this format than using local operators' networks.

The next advantage is the high quality and stability of the connection. If we compare the mobile Internet in Romania with local operators and similar services from eSIM operators, you will notice that the network has a stable connection only in some regions. If the package from the eSIM operator is activated in your device, you will not notice any changes in the quality of communication when moving from one city to another. Now you have the opportunity to experience all the benefits on your own; for this, you just need to set up the plan and pay for it on the website.

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