eSIM for Apple iPhone XS: best mobile data plans

How to set up and manage eSIM mobile data plan profiles on Apple iPhone XS?

< 1 Gb

10+ Gb

1 Day

30+ Days

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Reviews of Apple iPhone XS with eSIM support

Rated 5.0 of 5 based on 4 customer reviews


As soon as I bought the iPhone XS, I immediately decided to try out the eSIM module. I read a lot about inexpensive and stable mobile Internet, so I chose this data plan. I was convinced from my own experience that the built-in eSIM helps to save money on mobile communications.


I used the data plan for the built-in eSIM on the iPhone XS - I set everything up pretty quickly, the telecom provider offers favorable conditions, and the quality of mobile communication is at its best.


I spent my last business trip in China - whoever was here knows how difficult it is to connect a data plan from local providers and explain how much data. It's good that I bought an iPhone XS just before the trip, so I decided to use the built-in eSIM. It is convenient that you can connect online and choose a data plan easily, focusing on a regular package. In total, the connection took no more than 10 minutes, mobile communication works even in remote regions.


I was most interested in the built-in eSIM in the iPhone XS, as I spend a lot of time traveling. At the first opportunity I activated the module and bought a data plan from the eSIM telecom provider. I was pleased with the simple activation, I connected in a few steps, but I didn't have to install anything else.


    What devices except Apple iPhone XS support eSIM?

Apple Watch Series 6

Google Pixel 3

Xiaomi Mi Watch

Google Pixel 3 XL

Apple iPhone 12

Apple iPad Mini 5

LG G7 ThinQ

LG V35 ThinQ

Apple iPhone 12 Pro

Apple iPhone 11 Pro

Apple iPhone SE

Microsoft Surface Pro 5 LTE

    Countries where you can buy eSIM mobile data plans for Apple iPhone XS




     Costa Rica

     Faroe Islands



     New Zealand


     Saudi Arabia




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